TP/SL Order
Push Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ch | String | Channel name:position |
ts | Int64 | Time stamp |
data | List<Object> | Subscription data |
> event | String | Event,CREATE/UPDATE/CLOSE |
> positionId | String | position Id |
> orderId | String | order Id |
> symbol | String | Symbol |
> leverage | String | Leverage |
> side | String | Sell,BUY/SELL |
> positionMode | String | Position mode,ONE_WAY/HEDGE |
> status | String | INIT:prepare status;NEW:pending;PART_FILLED:partially filled;CANCELED:canceled;FILLEDAll filled |
> ctime | String | create timestamp |
> type | String | LIMIT/MARKET |
> tpQty | String | Take-profit order quantity(base coin) At least one of tpQty or slQty is required. |
> slQty | Bool | Stop-loss order quantity(base coin).At least one of tpQty or slQty is required. |
> tpStopType | String | take profit trigger type.MARK_PRICE/LAST_PRICE |
> tpPrice | String | take profit trigger price |
> tpOrderType | String | take profit trigger place order type.LIMIT/MARKET |
> tpOrderPrice | String | take profit trigger place order price.LIMIT/MARKET |
> slStopType | String | stop loss trigger type.MARK_PRICE/LAST_PRICE |
> slPrice | String | stop loss trigger price |
> slOrderType | String | stop loss trigger place order type.LIMIT/MARKET |
> slOrderPrice | String | stop loss trigger place order price.LIMIT/MARKET |