Modify Order
Rate Limit: 10 req/sec/uid
Interface for order modification, used to modify an pending order, such as its TP/SL and/or price/qty.Attention!!Successful interface response is not necessarily equal to the success of the operation, please use the websocket push message as an accurate judgment of the success of the operation.
HTTP Request
- POST /api/v1/futures/trade/modify_order
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
orderId | string | false | Order ID Either orderId or clientId is required. If both are entered, orderId prevails. |
clientId | string | false | Customize order ID Either orderId or clientId is required. If both are entered, orderId prevails. |
qty | string | true | Amount (base coin) |
price | string | true | Price of the order. Required if the order type is LIMIT |
tpPrice | string | false | take profit trigger price |
tpStopType | string | false | take profit trigger type MARK_PRICE LAST_PRICE |
tpOrderType | string | false | take profit trigger place order type LIMIT MARKET |
tpOrderPrice | string | false | take profit trigger place order price LIMIT MARKET required if tpOrderType is LIMIT |
slPrice | string | false | stop loss trigger price |
slStopType | string | false | stop loss trigger type MARK_PRICE LAST_PRICE |
slOrderType | string | false | stop loss trigger place order type LIMIT MARKET |
slOrderPrice | string | false | stop loss trigger place order price LIMIT MARKET required if slOrderType is LIMIT |
Request Example
curl -X 'POST' --location '' \
-H "api-key:*******" \
-H "sign:*" \
-H "time:1659076670000" \
-H "language:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"orderId":"1111","symbol":"BTCUSDT","price":"60000","qty":"0.5","tpPrice":"61000","tpStopType":"MARK","tpOrderType":"LIMIT","tpOrderPrice":"61000.1"}'
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderId | string | order id |
clientId | string | client id |
Response Example