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Subscribe the order channel

Data will be pushed when the following events occured:

  1. Open/Close orders are created
  2. Open/Close orders are filled
  3. Orders canceled

Push Parameters

chStringChannel name:position
tsInt64Time stamp
dataList<Object>Subscription data
> eventStringEvent,CREATE/UPDATE/CLOSE
> orderIdStringorder Id
> symbolStringSymbol
> positionTypeStringMargin mode,ISOLATION/CROSS
> positionModeStringPosition mode,ONE_WAY/HEDGE
> sideStringSell,BUY/SELL
> effectStringOrder expiration date.Required if the orderType is limit.IOC: Immediate or cancel;FOK: Fill or kill;GTC: Good till canceled(default value);POST_ONLY: POST only;
> typeStringLIMIT/MARKET
> qtyStringAmount (base coin)
> reductionOnlyBoolReduction Only
> priceStringPrice of the order. Required if the order type is LIMIT
> ctimeStringcreate timestamp
> mtimeStringcreate timestamp
> leverageStringLeverage
> orderStatusStringINIT:prepare status;NEW:pending;PART_FILLED:partially filled;CANCELED:canceled;FILLEDAll filled
> feeStringDeducted transaction fees: transaction fees deducted during the position
> tpStopTypeStringtake profit trigger type.MARK_PRICE/LAST_PRICE
> tpPriceStringtake profit trigger price
> tpOrderTypeStringtake profit trigger place order type.LIMIT/MARKET
> tpOrderPriceStringtake profit trigger place order price.LIMIT/MARKET
> slStopTypeStringstop loss trigger type.MARK_PRICE/LAST_PRICE
> slPriceStringstop loss trigger price
> slOrderTypeStringstop loss trigger place order type.LIMIT/MARKET
> slOrderPriceStringstop loss trigger place order price.LIMIT/MARKET