Cancel All Orders
Rate Limit: 10 req/sec/uid
cancel all orders
Successful interface response is not necessarily equal to the success of the operation, please use the websocket push message as an accurate judgment of the success of the operation.
HTTP Request
- POST /api/v1/futures/trade/cancel_all_orders
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | string | false | Trading pair |
Request Example
curl -X 'POST' --location '' \
-H "api-key:*******" \
-H "sign:*" \
-H "time:1659076670000" \
-H "language:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"symbol":"BTCUSDT"}'
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
successList | list | Successful order list |
>id | string | order id |
>clientId | string | client id |
failureList | list | Failed order list |
>id | string | order id |
>clientId | string | client id |
>errorMsg | string | error msg |
>errorCode | string | error code |
Response Example
{"code":0,"data":{"successList":[{"orderId":"11111","clientId":"22222"}],"failureList":[{"orderId":"11112","clientId":"22223","errorMsg":"Order status error","errorCode":10013}]},"msg":"Success"}