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Subscribe the position channel

Data will be pushed when the following events occurred:

  1. Open/Close orders are created
  2. Open/Close orders are filled
  3. Orders are canceled

Push Parameters

chStringChannel name:position
tsInt64Time stamp
dataList<Object>Subscription data
> eventStringEvent,OPEN/UPDATE/CLOSE
> positionIdStringposition Id
> marginModeStringMargin mode,ISOLATION/CROSS
> positionModeStringPosition mode,ONE_WAY/HEDGE
> sideStringPosition direction,SHORT/LONG
> leverageStringLeverage
> marginStringmargin
> ctimeStringCreate time
> qtyStringOpen position size
> entryValueStringAvailable amount for positions
> symbolStringSymbol
> realizedPNLStringRealized PnL(exclude funding fee and transaction fee)
> unrealizedPNLStringUnrealized PnL
> fundingStringtotal funding fee during the position
> feeStringDeducted transaction fees: transaction fees deducted during the position