Get Pending Positions
Rate Limit: 10 req/sec/uid
Get Pending Positions
HTTP Request
- GET /api/v1/futures/position/get_pending_positions
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | string | false | Trading pair |
positionId | string | false | position id |
Request Example
curl -X 'GET' --location '' \
-H "api-key:*******" \
-H "sign:*" \
-H "time:1659076670000" \
-H "language:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
positionId | string | position id |
symbol | string | Trading pair |
qty | string | position amount |
entryValue | string | Available amount for positions |
side | string | LONG SHORT |
marginMode | string | ISOLATION CROSS |
positionMode | string | ONE_WAY HEDGE |
leverage | int32 | leverage |
fee | string | Deducted transaction fees: transaction fees deducted during the position |
funding | string | total funding fee during the position |
realizedPNL | string | Realized PnL(exclude funding fee and transaction fee) |
margin | string | locked asset of the position |
unrealizedPNL | string | Unrealized PnL |
liqPrice | string | Estimated liquidation price If the value <= 0, it means the position is at low risk and there is no liquidation price at this time |
marginRate | string | Margin ratio |
avgOpenPrice | string | Average open price |
ctime | int64 | create timestamp |
mtime | int64 | latest modify timestamp |
Response Example
{"code":0,"data":[{"positionId":"12345678","symbol":"BTCUSDT","qty":"0.5","entryValue":"30000","side":"LONG","positionMode":"HEDGE","marginMode":"ISOLATION","leverage":100,"fee":"0.1","funding":"-0.2","realizedPNL":"102.9","margin":"300","unrealizedPNL":"1.5","liqPrice":"22209","marginRate":"0.01", "avgOpenPrice": "1.0","ctime":1691382137448,"mtime":1691382137448}],"msg":"Success"}