Get History Trades
Rate Limit: 10 req/sec/uid
get history trades, sort by create time desc
HTTP Request
- GET /api/v1/futures/trade/get_history_trades
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | string | false | Trading pair |
orderId | string | false | order id |
positionId | string | false | position id |
startTime | int64 | false | Start timestamp Unix timestamp in milliseconds format, e.g. 1597026383085 |
endTime | int64 | false | Start timestamp Unix timestamp in milliseconds format, e.g. 1597026683085 |
skip | int64 | false | skip order count default: 0 |
limit | int64 | false | Number of queries: Maximum: 100, default: 10 |
Request Example
curl -X 'GET' --location '' \
-H "api-key:*******" \
-H "sign:*" \
-H "time:1659076670000" \
-H "language:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
tradeList | list | trade list |
>tradeId | string | trade id |
>orderId | string | order id |
>symbol | string | Trading pair |
>qty | string | Amount (base coin) |
>positionMode | string | ONE_WAY or HEDGE |
>marginMode | string | ISOLATION or CROSS |
>leverage | int | leverage |
>price | string | Price of the order. Required if the order type is LIMIT |
>side | string | Order direction buy: BUY sell: SELL |
>orderType | string | Order type LIMIT: limit orders MARKET: market orders |
>effect | string | Order expiration date. Required if the orderType is limit IOC: Immediate or cancel FOK: Fill or kill GTC: Good till canceled(default value) POST_ONLY: POST only |
>clientId | string | Customize order ID |
>reduceOnly | boolean | Whether or not to just reduce the position |
>fee | string | fee |
>realizedPNL | string | realized pnl |
>ctime | int64 | create timestamp |
>roleType | string | Trader tag TAKER: maker MAKER: maker |
total | int64 | total count |
Response Example