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Websocket API

WebSocket is a new HTML5 protocol that achieves full-duplex data transmission between the client and server, allowing data to be transferred effectively in both directions. A connection between the client and server can be established with just one handshake. The server will then be able to push data to the client according to preset rules. Its advantages include:

  • The WebSocket request header size for data transmission between client and server is only 2 bytes.
  • Either the client or server can initiate data transmission.
  • There's no need to repeatedly create and delete TCP connections, saving resources on bandwidth and server.

It is strongly recommended that developers use WebSocket API to obtain market information and transaction depth.

DomainWebSocket APIRecommended to use
Websocket Domainwss:// Domain, Public channel
Websocket Domainwss:// Domain, Private channel


Request Parameters
pingint64YesSeconds format of Unix timestamp

request example:


response example:



Subscription limit: Max 300 channel subscription/connection


argsArrayYesList of subscribe channels
> chStringYesChannel name
> symbolStringNoInstrument ID

request example:



opStringYesOperation, unsubscribe
argsArrayYesList of subscribe channels
> chStringYesChannel name
> symbolStringNoInstrument ID

request example:



Once the private connection is authenticated, no further subscription is needed. The system will automatically send notifications whenever there are changes to orders or storage locations.

Request Parameters
> apiKeyStringYesAPI Key
> timestampStringYesSeconds format of Unix timestamp
> nonceStringYesRandom string
> signStringYesSignature string

request example:

Preparing for Access

If you need to use the API, please login to complete the application of the API key and the configuration, and then develop and trade according to the details of this document.

You can click here to create an API key.

Please make sure to remember the following information after you have successfully created the API Key:

  • APIKey: Identity for API transactions, generated by random algorithm.
  • SecretKey: private key, randomly generated by the system, used for signature generation.

Risks: These two keys are closely related to the security of your account, please keep in mind that do not disclose them to others at any time. Any leakage of these two keys may cause loss of your assets. If you find any leakage of APIKey, please delete the APIKey as soon as possible.

Interface Type
  • Public
  • Private Interface
Public Interface

Public interface can be used to obtain configuration information and market data. Public requests can be invoked without authentication.

private interface

Private interface can be used for order management and account management. Each private request must be [signed] ( using a canonical form of authentication. The private interface requires authentication using your APIKey.


func Sign() string {
	apiKey := "your-apiKey"
	secretKey := "your-secretKey"
	nonce := "your-nonce"
	timestamp := time.Now().Unix()
	sign := sha256Hash(fmt.Sprintf("%s%d%s", nonce, timestamp, apiKey))
	sign = sha256Hash(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", sign, secretKey))

	return sign

func sha256Hash(input string) string {
	hash := sha256.New()
	hashInBytes := hash.Sum(nil)
	hashInHex := hex.EncodeToString(hashInBytes)

	return hashInHex


import hashlib
import time

def sign():
    api_key = "your-apiKey"
    secret_key = "your-secretKey"
    nonce = "your-nonce"
    timestamp = int(time.time())

    # First SHA-256 hash
    sign = hashlib.sha256((nonce + str(timestamp) + api_key).encode()).hexdigest()

    # Second SHA-256 hash
    sign = hashlib.sha256((sign + secret_key).encode()).hexdigest()

    return sign