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Signature Introduction

Restful API Signature Public Parameters


api-keystringYapi-key applied
noncestringYRandom string,32bits
timestampstringYCurrent timestamp, milliseconds
signstringYSinganture string

Signature steps:

  1. All queryParams are sorted in ascending ASCII order by Key, Example: String queryParams = "id1uid200"
  2. Parameters in body, compressed into a string, remember to remove all spaces, Example:String body = {"uid":"2899","arr":[{"id":1,"name":"maple"},{"id":2,"name":"lily"}]}
  3. Signature, needs to be encrypted 2 times
  • String digest = SHA256(nonce + timestamp + api-key + queryParams + body)
  • String sign = SHA256(digest + secretKey)
  • Note: secretKey is together when applying for api-key. Please keep them safely and do not pass it around.
Signature Example


package main

import (

func main() {
	nonce := "123456"
	timestamp := "20241120123045"
	apiKey := "yourApiKey"
	secretKey := "yourSecretKey"
	queryParams := "id1uid200" 
	body := "{\"uid\":\"2899\",\"arr\":[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"maple\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"lily\"}]}"

	digestInput := nonce + timestamp + apiKey + queryParams + body

	digest := sha256Hex(digestInput)

	signInput := digest + secretKey
	sign := sha256Hex(signInput)

	fmt.Println("Digest:", digest)
	fmt.Println("Sign:", sign)

func sha256Hex(input string) string {
	hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(input))
	return hex.EncodeToString(hash[:])


import hashlib

def sha256_hex(input_string):
    return hashlib.sha256(input_string.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

def main():
    nonce = "123456"
    timestamp = "20241120123045"
    api_key = "yourApiKey"
    secret_key = "yourSecretKey"
    query_params = "id1uid200" 
    body = '{"uid":"2899","arr":[{"id":1,"name":"maple"},{"id":2,"name":"lily"}]}'

    digest_input = nonce + timestamp + api_key + query_params + body

    digest = sha256_hex(digest_input)

    sign_input = digest + secret_key
    sign = sha256_hex(sign_input)

    print("Digest:", digest)
    print("Sign:", sign)

if __name__ == "__main__":

WebSocket API Singature Parameters

WebSocket API requests require authentication, and the following fields need to be included in all request parameter params:

apiKeystringYAPI Key
noncestringYRandom string
signstringYSignature string

Signature steps:

  1. Sort all fields in params except the sign field in ascending ASCII order by Key, remember to remove all spaces, Example: String params = "apiKey9a25209b66004da404d9ddcb48d1e11fnonce123456symbolBTCtimestamp1724285700000"
  2. Signature, needs to be encrypted 2 times
  • String digest = SHA256(nonce + timestamp + apiKey + params)
  • String sign = SHA256(digest + secretKey)
  • Note: secretKey is together when applying for apiKey. Please keep them safely and do not pass it around.